Redemption Solar & Roofing

Redemption Solar & Roofing
Product SpecialistMichael Collins
1700 UPS Drive Unite 208Louisville, KY. 40223
Work Phone: 502-428-9924
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Redemption Solar and Roofing was created to provide quality solar and roofing installation with the highest integrity by a company committed to the Christian calling.
The founder of the company has served in the roofing and solar industry for over 5 years and saw a steady decline in customer service, honest workmanship, and fair pricing practices with the company they previously served. To remedy that, Redemption Solar and Roofing was created.
Our business fully intends to put our client's needs ahead of our own, while maintaining a Christian culture for the betterment of our employees. We aim to ensure the highest standards of quality on every job with dedicated crews and supervisory staff. Our pricing model will reflect our quality and workmanship without overcharging our clients; it must be a win for customers and companies alike.
While we are new to our service area, our core values of Integrity, Service, Excellence, Community, and Quality of Life will be the hallmarks of our success. Whether you are just looking for an expert opinion or seeking a combined all-roof and solar power system for your home or business, or anywhere in between, Redemption Solar and Roofing is the right choice for you.